This page is for my models that have been reskinned/modified to replicate none standard preserved locomotives & liveries.
45690 is as preserved except my model should have nameplates with a red background but I am unable to alter the mesh to change this.
45699 is as running currently in a none standard version of BR Red with LMS lining (BR16A). No Jubilees were ever painted red by BR.
46100 is in a fictitious livery for Rebuilt Scots. A customer asked me to do this livery. I’m not sure that 46100 has ever carried this livery, even in preservation.
6100 has carried various versions of LMS crimson lake in preservation but never ran in this condition for the LMS. It wasn’t rebuilt until after Nationalisation.
I may add a few more liveries to this collection in the near future.
All locomotives are available for all versions of Trainz from TS2009 to T:ANE.
Patriot 5XP 4-6-0 5551 The Unknown Warrior Livery LM21AZ Lined LMS Crimson Lake

Princess Royal 4-6-2 46203 Princess Margaret Rose Livery BR16A Lined BR Maroon

Black 5 4-6-0 5428 Eric Treacy LM3A LMS lined Black

Jubilee 6P 4-6-0 45690 Leander BR2A BR Lined Black with early crest

Jubilee 6P 4-6-0 45699 Galatea BR Red (BR16A none standard) As preserved

Rebuilt Scot 6P 4-6-0 46100 Royal Scot BR Red (BR16A fictitious)

Rebuilt Scot 6P 4-6-0 6100 Royal Scot LMS Crimson Lake (LM21A As preserved previously)
Version A.Fully lined.Fitted with smoke deflectors

Version B. Partly lined. Fitted with smoke deflectors

Version C. Partly lined. No smoke deflectors