If for any reason you are unhappy with my models or you don’t receive your order after 24 hours of placing your order then please contact me first before contacting Paypal. If for any reason you are unhappy with your order then I will give you a full refund. If you are unsure about purchasing my models then please only initially buy one locomotive. I will be happy to send you a 3F 0-6-0T as a free trial.
When ordering I would advise that you double check the Paypal shopping list before completing the transaction as recently it has become quite common that the same locomotive will be shown as being purchased twice. The “Quantity” number for each locomotive should always only ever be “1”.
Please check your spam folder as my emails quite often end up in there because of the file attachments and /or the link to my website.
Paypal’s customer care for digital sales is abysmal (no exaggeration) and I have no protection whatsoever. This is only a very small business with very low profit margins so please bear that in mind when ordering. A customer contacted paypal for a refund claiming they did not receive their goods. They made no effort to contact me prior to this and I did send their order a few hours after they ordered. Paypal then added a 400% administration charge on top of the original refund and I have no protection from this whatsoever. So please, if you are genuinely interested in buying my models then please do otherwise I would rather not have the business. Thanks, Gary Price (12/02/2023).
Locomotives for Auran Trainz Simulator versions 2009 to T:ANE & TS2019.
Locomotives are also available for TRS2006 but will differ from the screenshots shown. Some of the locomotives listed on the website may not be available for TRS 2006. Please contact me before ordering for TRS2006.
All locomotives currently cost £3.50 each.
Please allow up to 48 hours for delivery. I will email the files directly to customers. If there is an email address you prefer that I email the files too then please let me know.
Please note, locomotives do not include an interior cab.
MAC Versions – I have had several customers who have said the locomotives work correctly in Mac versions of Trainz but I have not tested the locomotives myself.
Please contact me at gplocomotives@yahoo.co.uk if you wish to know more about the range of locomotives I offer.
If you are interested in Trainz then please visit the store (no connection to myself)
Free trial downloads of the simulator are available here
Thanks, Gary Price 10/04/2021.